Archive for December 12th, 2015

Celebrating Sinatra #sinatra100

December 12, 2015

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of one Francis Albert Sinatra (December 12, 1915).

As a youth, Sinatra was often playing throughout the year — but especially during the Christmas season (still in the rotation today).

Back in 1968, Sinatra recorded “Whatever Happened To Christmas” written by an up and coming songwriter named Jimmy Webb ( from the album Sinatra Family – Wish You A Merry Christmas). Webb had already found success as a songwriter penning “Up, Up & Away” and “The Worst That Could Happen” for the 5th Dimension and “By The Time I Get To Phoenix” for Glen Campbell (not a bad start).

In a 2005 Wall Street Journal article Webb describes hearing the Sinatra recording for the first time:

“A couple of Christmases ago I was driving along and a song came on called ‘Whatever Happened to Christmas?’ which I had almost forgotten. I sat and listened and tears came to my eyes — he and arranger Don Costa had done such a wonderful job with my song. It was an epiphany.’”

There are several Sinatra Christmas recordings available. If you want to get one that spans his career, this is probably the best choice.

As a side note, the first ever recording of a Jimmy Webb song was a Christmas tune, “My Christmas Tree,” by the Supremes (1965). Both songs below.

Frank Sinatra – Whatever Happened To Christmas

The Supremes – My Christmas Tree