Archive for December 1st, 2015

First Post of 2015

December 1, 2015

Welcome back to my annual Christmas Music Blog (it’s the eight or ninth year – i forget) . The goal is to bring you Christmas and seasonal music that you typically don’t hear on the radio or in stores. And as always, my hats off to the poor radio deejays who have been playing Christmas music since October.

We’ll kick off the year with a band from Ireland called, Rend Collective, a folk/rock, worship band.
In the field of contemporary Christian worship Rend Collective is well known. They’ve toured with the likes of Chris Tomlin, Mercy Me and Kari Jobe to name a few and have had several of their records top the US and UK charts. However, other than Christian radio, they don’t get a ton of airplay (if any).

Including their Christmas release from last year, (Campfire Christmas) Rend Collective has released six records since 2010.
Tonight we’ll feature a song from that Christmas release, “Merry Christmas Everyone.”
You can find it at iTunes, Amazon or from their website.

If you want the chords for this song, you can find them here.

Rend Collective – Merry Christmas Everyone