12/15/22 Santa Lives In My Building

Santa Lives In My Building is a song from a London band, spearmint. The song was released last year as part of a 24 song “advent” release by the record label wiaiwya (where it’s at is where you are). I featured a song from the compilation last year on Christmas Day — Whoa Melodic’s I Work On Christmas Day.

spearmint is an indie-pop band and their music a catchy and quite good. spearmint was referenced in the movie 500 (Days of Summer) where Joseph Gordon-Levitt‘s character states “It pains me we live in a world where nobody’s heard of spearmint.”

According to bandleader, Shirley Lee, Santa Lives In My Building is a true story from a time when she lived in New York in 2014. The song tells the tale of Santa Claus moving to New York for work and two days later being told over the phone his relationship is over. It is a fantastic song.

Apple Music

spearmint – Santa Works In My Building

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